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Division/Group Supervisor

Category: ICS - Fundamentals

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It is intended for U.S. EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who have shown an interest, demonstrated the necessary skills, and met all the pre-requisites which include: completed Incident Command System I-100, 200, 300, 400 level courses and IS-700b and IS-800d, skills, knowledge, and experience.

Course Preview:

A course preview is not available at this time.

Course Materials:

DIVS Generic Agenda
DIVS Agenda Lenexa Aug 2023
virtual DIVS agenda

Course Description:

This 1.5-day course is designed to meet all the requirements and training needs of the Division/ Group Supervisor for a Type 2 Incident Management Team.

This course is intended for U.S. EPA and U.S. Coast Guard personnel who have shown an interest, demonstrated the necessary skills, and met all the pre-requisites which include completed Incident Command System I-100, 200, 300, 400 level courses and IS-700b and IS-800d, skills, knowledge, and experience.

After completing the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the duties and responsibilities of the Division/ Group Supervisor employed on an incident.
  • Gather information on resources and arrange, stage, and formulate a method to employ the use of personnel and equipment as directed by the Branch Director or the Operations Section Chief within the designated plan that is needed to handle the situation. This includes coordination between units and agencies and subordinate personnel to ensure that the information and resources needed to perform their jobs are directed to the correct location at the right time, in a safe and cost-effective manner.
  • Coordinate with cooperating agency resources to bring about successful performance during the response.

The classroom version of this course is delivered over one and a half days (10 hours).

The virtual version of this course is delivered over two 0.5-hour days via MS TEAMs

Continuing Education Units: 1.0

In compliance with Executive Order 13589 - Promoting efficient Spending, Section 5; the ERTP will not be regularly printing or providing students hard copies of the course manual. A link to an electronic copy of the student manual for personal printing or e-reading has been provided in the Courses Materials section of this page.