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This page contains information on the EPA External Providers Program

The External Provider program is an integral part of the Environmental Response Training Program (ERTP) in that training courses can be presented to individuals not able to attend courses conducted by the US EPA ERTP training contractor, Tetra Tech Inc. External Providers are able to present EPA ERTP courses that are identical in scope and application that the training contractor provides. The fact that External Providers must meet and accept the requirements set forth by the US EPA to be in the program indicates a high degree of professionalism, quality and competency that they all have.

The External Provider program currently consists of four (4) courses:

If you are interested in learning more about the external providers program, or about the above courses, please click on the associated links.

EPA Contacts:

Shelly Norland
Environmental Response Training Program (ERTP)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
OLEM/OSRTI│Environmental Response Team-West
office: (702) 784-8004 │ norland.shelly@epa.gov

Tetra Tech Contact:

Kevin Tobias
250 West Court Street, Suite 200W
Cincinnati, OH 45202
office: (513) 333-4828 | Kevin.tobias@tetratech.com